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Managing errors on NHS Scotland Claims
Managing errors on NHS Scotland Claims

How to deal with NHS Scotland claim errors in Dentally...

Shelley Withington avatar
Written by Shelley Withington
Updated over a week ago

What happens after I submit my NHS claims through Dentally? 👩‍⚕️💻

Dentally does simple checks on NHS claims before sending them to NHS Scotland - Including but not limited to:

  • Check Provider Pin and Details

  • Practice Details

  • Datasets Information

These checks happen as soon as you submit your claim and if any errors are found this will notify you via the notifications bell in Dentally.

Claims with Errors! ❌ - Any incorrect claims will update with an "Error" status that will tell you what needs to be actioned. Make sure you check the website here to investigate the error message you've received before reaching out to Ellie and the support team for further guidance.

To see the Error code and explanation in full you can either use the claims report, or you can go to the individual patient's record, and click on their NHS tab. Under the Claims tab you will be able to see the full explanations and from here you can work out what information is incorrect.

The general rule of thumb is that NHS errors will appear in Red & NHS queries will appear in Yellow. Errors can be resubmitted and resolved by following the guidance on the NHS website.

Queries may require further investigation, The response should explain what needs to be rectified. However, if the response is not clear on what must be changed please contact the NHS Practitioner services and then reach out to Ellie and the support team for further guidance if needed.

XML Validation Errors

As part of the process for sending a claim or PA, the information is turned into a special document format called XML. Before Dentally sends this information, it runs it past a piece of software that makes sure it looks correct.

XML errors will always say they are XML errors. Dentally has tried hard to make the error message clear so that you can work out what you need to do.

For example here the CHI number is too long. You will need to search for the CHI number again on the patients details screen.

One of the common XML errors we see is "postcode is invalid". When you see this you need to check the patient’s postcode AND the postcode for the patient’s representative, if you have entered one.

For guidance on how to deal with an invalid XML error head over to our dedicated help article here.

Viewing Errors

An Error message usually has a code associated with it. When on your NHS claims report simply hover your mouse over the details and it will open up a tooltip displaying the full message on the screen.

To see it in full without the tooltip pop-up, It is often easier to go to a patient's NHS tab, then the claims tab to see the error message in full. The error message always has an error code, followed by a full explanation of the error.

Make sure to reference the NHS guide to figure out how to resolve your error. Please reach out to Ellie and the support team for further guidance in resolving this error if you are unsure.

Multiple Errors on One Claim...

On rare occasions, you may find that there is more than one error on a claim. In this case, each error will be listed.

Work through the errors and submit again when all are resolved.

Each individual error will start with an error code, such as E000623 above. The error may refer to a particular treatment code on the plan, for example, in the image above, Error E000682 refers to treatment 1426.

You can only submit a claim 10 times before it will be permanently rejected. If you are getting anywhere close to the limit, please contact Ellie and the Dentally Support Team for help and advice.

eDental error message

Occasionally you may see an eDental error message. This usually means that the eDental service is unavailable.

You will need to submit these claims again once the eDental service has been restored.

Correct Claims

Once a claim has been successfully sent, received and approved by the NHS, the claim status will update in Dentally on the next reconciliation file/schedule. The schedule is supplied by the NHS usually between the 15th-22nd each month (Subject to weekends). The status will change to "Complete" for all accepted claims once this schedule has been received.

Further NHS claim guidance

Other Dentally web pages to help you with NHS Scotland Claims include:

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