Takings Report

How to use the Takings Report to see the practice's takings for a set period

Shelley Withington avatar
Written by Shelley Withington
Updated over a week ago

Takings Report

Dentally Takings Report icon

You can view the Takings Report in the Financial Reports section. This report allows you to see the practice’s takings for a set period.


  • Select the location, or select All to see the takings across all locations

  • Change the period for the takings by selecting ‘From’ and ‘Until’ dates

  • Explanation shows payments that are explained or unexplained. You can also see whether invoices are explained or remain unexplained by the green tick or question mark at the far right of the screen.

  • Please note: We have removed the “Payment plans” and “Practitioner” filters if “Payment Allocations” feature is enabled.

Dentally Takings Report showing unexplained payment & note
  • Select the payment method. ( We have recently added Bank Transfer for all regions. AU Customers will also see EFTPOS as a new option).

  • We have reformatted the Payment Method Summary Table to prevent items from being cut off the page. See images below.



  • Select the individual payment plan or select all

  • Select the individual practitioner or select all

Payment Breakdown

Underneath all the takings is a breakdown of the payments and the methods used to pay, these are split into the subheadings cash, credit, debit, cheque and BACS. this makes it easy to see what methods are being used to pay as well as making it easy to see at the end of the day how much cash should have been collected for each method. It also gives a total of all takings on the far right at the bottom.

Summary Display Options

Dentally Takings Report Summary display options
  • You can alter the onscreen display using the toggle buttons at the top of the screen.

  • A toggle button means click once for off and again for on.

  • For example, If you want a summary by Payment Method but not Payment Plan, click the Payment Plan and the summary will disappear from the screen.

Payment Bundle

Create a payment bundle to lock the day's takings or to integrate with Xero.

Dentally Takings Report  - Create Payment Bundle
  • At the top right of the screen, select Payment Bundle.

  • Select New Payment bundle to create a new payment bundle using the filters you currently have selected

Dentally Takings Report - Create New Payment Bundle options
  • If you are not happy with the selections, cancel, and go back to the Takings report and alter the filters there.

  • Once you are happy with the selection for the payment bundle, click Save.

  • N.B. This LOCKS all invoices associated with these transactions.


At the top right-hand corner of this report, there is an export button that lets you export the data from the report into a spreadsheet.

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