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How patients can complete actions on Dentally Portal
How patients can complete actions on Dentally Portal

This article will help you understand what happens in Dentally when patients complete actions on the Portal.

Simon Guiver avatar
Written by Simon Guiver
Updated over a week ago

Medical History

What happens when a patient completes a medical history form?

The medical history form is surfaced to the patient for completion every 2 weeks, as long as the patient has a future appointment booked.

What questions are displayed?

The questions shown to the patient in the Portal are the same questions that you set in Dentally. Any changes that need to be made to the medical history questions will need to be done in Dentally.

Does the patient have to complete all the questions every time?

No, Dentally will store the previous answers and comments that the patient completed previously. This should allow the patient to review the answers and only update where appropriate quickly. New questions or amended questions will need to be answered.

What changes in Dentally?

Once the patient has completed the medical history form and signed it, the form can be seen under the patient's record from the 'Medical' tab.

The alert for the patient needing to complete a medical history form will also disappear. You can quickly see this by hovering the patient's name at the top of an appointment in the diary. If the patient has not completed a medical history form yet, the red box will display.


What happens when a patient completes an NHS PR form?

The option to complete an NHS Practice Record (PR) form is displayed when the following criteria is met:

  1. The patient is an NHS patient.

  2. The patient does not have an open treatment plan with UDA values assigned.

  3. The patient has an appointment within the next 14 days.

  4. The patient has an appointment with a Dentally role of dentist or administrator.

  5. The patient has not previously signed an NHS PR within 14 days of the upcoming appointment.

What questions are displayed?

It's the same as the paper version of the PR that's set by the NHS.

Does it support the Welsh PR form?

Yes, we currently support the English & Welsh PR forms. There is also an option to convert English to Welsh.

What changes in dentally?

The signed PR form will now display under the 'Correspondence' tab for the patient.

If an exemption has been added, this will appear in the 'NHS' tab.

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Patient Details

What happens when a patient updates their patient details?

Currently, the details that the patient can update via the Portal are:

  • Email address

  • Contact numbers

  • Postal address fields

What changes in Dentally?

The patient details will be updated. To view what's been changed, you can view the 'Audit' tab of the patient and see what's been changed by clicking 'View change(s)'.


What happens when a patient signs a treatment plan estimate?

This allows patients to view proposed treatment plans for signing. They will appear in the Portal whenever a new estimate is created in Dentally.

What does it look like for a patient?

Patients can view estimates for both open and closed treatment plans for the past 5 years. If an estimate has been created, the patient will see the following:

Screen Recording 2024-04-09 at [video-to-gif output image]

What changes in Dentally?

Once signed, the signed estimate can be viewed in the 'Correspondence' tab for the patient.


​What happens when a patient pays an outstanding balance?

If you have a Stripe account linked to your Portal, patients can make payments for any outstanding balances from their Portal.

What will the patient see?

The patient will be able to view the total amount outstanding on their account. They will also be able to change the amount they wish to pay. By default, the amount to pay will be set to the full outstanding amount.

What changes in Dentally?

The payment will be recorded under the 'Account' tab of the patient, with details of payment and Stripe references.

The balance overview will also be updated.

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