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How task reminders look in the patient's view
How task reminders look in the patient's view

A look behind the scenes at how task reminders work hard for your practice and patients to collect forms.

Simon Guiver avatar
Written by Simon Guiver
Updated this week

Task reminders are designed to get patients completing more paperwork online before arriving at the practice, saving time in reception, by sending an additional reminder before their appointment.

Portal Task reminders can be used in conjunction with appointment reminders. Only patients with tasks outstanding get a Task Reminder, less than 48 hours before their appointment. This message contains the number of tasks that the patient must complete, and a link unique to that patient. In most cases, patients can complete their paperwork without logging in.

Video example of using a unique link through task reminders πŸ‘‡

Security of unique links

For security, no saved personal information is exposed in this workflow. Patients can only submit information on fresh forms. In case the unique link is sent to the wrong person, we ask them to enter their birthdate as a simple identity check. Unique links are hard to guess, and expire after a certain amount of time.

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